Maximizing value in energy markets in ERCOT: Trading strategies and analytical insights
GridBeyond’s trading and data science teams have joined efforts to create a state of the art bid-optimization platform for power storage assets in ERCOT. This platform achieved 86.7% P&L of the perfect foresight (having perfect information on realized outcomes before-hand) in the 12 month period of June 2023-May 2024.
In the dynamic energy markets, traders navigate through various strategies aiming to maximize returns while mitigating risks.
Traditionally, two distinct classes of traders emerge:
- Financial traders employing Day-ahead energy market participation, CRRs (Congestion revenue rights) and futures contracts
- Traders that leverage physical assets
If your organization possesses physical assets and trading capabilities, where does it stand on the spectrum of sophistication? When tasked with enhancing profit and loss or EBITDA, what strategies can be employed to boost margins, and how must your operations adapt to facilitate this growth?
In this white paper we explore how, through a fusion of trading methodologies and insightful analytics, GridBeyond delivers enhanced risk/reward profiles, and improves energy market participation.